电话:18617047100 皮小姐
- 请勿将本产品USB接口直接插入适配器使用。
- 2. 为了你的安全,请在就寝前关闭电源。
- 3. 请避免在高温档下同一位置贴肤使用超过8分钟,并确认皮肤情况,如有异常立即取下。
- 4. 禁止靠近火源、腐蚀性液体及各种不利环境
- 5. 洗涤时,必须确保移动电源已经取出,洗涤完毕,必须待产品彻底干透后方能开启使用。
- 6. 推荐手洗,用手轻柔搓洗,洗完后用清水漂洗,不可拧干,自然晾干。
- 7. 中度及重病心血管疾病,严重心脏病患者发病期间谨慎使用。
- 8. 有皮肤知觉障碍或皮肤异常的患者谨慎使用。
- 9. 痛风患者病发期间或曾患痛风症未完全康复者在医生指导下使用。
- 1. Do not connect this product with any adapter.
- 2. For your safety,pls turn off the power before you go to bed .
- 3. Do not use this product at the same place for oer 8 mins at the highest mode and stop using when you find any abnormal case in your skin.
- 4. Do not use this product near the fire,corrosive fluids and any adverse environment
- 5. In case of washing,make sure that the power bank is taken out form the battery’s pocket.This product can be reused after it is completely dry.
- 6. Gently hand wash is recommended,rinse it with clean water after washing.Do not wring it out. Hang dry it naturally.
- 7. Patients with mild and serious cardiovascular diseases as well as severe heart diseases should be used with caution.
- 8. Patients with disorder on perception or skin abnormity should be used with caution.
- 9. Gout patients during the period of onset or those who have suffered from gout and have not been completely rehabilitated,please consult the doctor before using the product.